C (14/257)

Date:01 Feb 2001 at 19:32:14
Subject:Re: Clipping graphics output

Czesc Serge!

Dnia 01-Lut-01, Serge Tumanyan napisa�:

>Does anybody knows how to force the functions of graphic library to render
>only inside the RastPort? The simple example of what I mean
>is the following: if I open the window, and render outside its bounds, the
>result would be perfect, the rendering will be clipped on the
>bounds. But if I create a RastPort and make InitRastPort() and render
>in it, result would not be so perfect, if I go out the bounds, the innocent
>memory would be trashed, and the output would not be clipped.
>What am I doing wrong?

You have not layer attached to your's rastport. Try below code:

struct Layer_Info *layerinfo;
struct RastPort rastport = { 0 };

InitRastPort( &rastport );
if( rastport.BitMap = AllocBitMap( width, height, depth, 0, NULL ) )
if( layerinfo = NewLayerInfo() )
if( rastport.Layer = CreateUpfrontLayer( layerinfo, rastport.BitMap, 0,
0, width-1, height-1, LAYERSMART, NULL ) )

struct Region *region;

if( region = NewRegion() )
struct Rectangle rect;

rect.MinX = 0;
rect.MinY = 0;
rect.MaxX = width - 1;
rect.MaxY = height - 1;

if( OrRectRegion( region, &rect ) )
oldregion = InstallClipRegion( rastport.Layer, region );
#endif /* USE_REGIONS */
* Render wherever you want in rastport.
* Don't touch bitmap or clip it by hand!
InstallClipRegion( rastport.Layer, oldregion );
DisposeRegion( region );
#endif /* USE_REGIONS */
DeleteLayer( layerinfo, rastport.Layer );
DisposeLayerInfo( layerinfo );
FreeBitMap( rastport.BitMap );

Try it with USE_REGIONS and without USE_REGION definition.

Instead using layers.library functions you can clip it by hand.


Can your ImageFX paint like bitmap painters?
Download: gfx/ifx/REDFiX.lha, ftp.novadesign.com

Przemyslaw 'SENSEI' Gruchala


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