C (169/257)

Date:19 Feb 2001 at 14:12:35
Subject:Re: iff.library

Hi Filip

> I'm using stormC compiler from amiga dev CD 2.1.
> I try to display iff picture with function in iff.library. Included examples are
> clear and easy but i'm not able to compile it, linker always says that "cannot
> found IFFBase: hint _main".

Sounds like you normally use the library auto-open option that I think (??,
can't remember) Storm has. But obviously, this only works for libraries that it
has been set up for.

Have a look in the proto/#?.h file for iff.library - copy the line which would
look something like:

extern struct Library *IFFBase;

as a global variable in your source file and remove the extern part. Remember
to add some code to your program to open and close this library too.

|) /\ \/ ][ |) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | dave@blitz-2000.co.uk
http://members.nbci.com/david_mcminn | ICQ=16827694
'Some motherf**kers are always trying to ice-skate uphill' - Blade

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