C (191/257)

Date:20 Feb 2001 at 16:48:04
Subject:includes and stuff


I'm trying to make some functions for myself to make programming easier, i
want to put them in a seperate .h and .c file but i don't know how to
organize it.

I'll give an example:

i want to make a unit with my functions called myfunctions. So i start with
a header file:

/* my function to get a filename using the asl.library */
char* getFilename(char* title, char* location)

//input a title that the asl will have, location is the place the where the
asl will start
//output a string with the given path and filename, will be empty is the


So that's the header file, but then i did some thinking and had some
questions: the function needs the asl.library and the asl.h to work
properly. But when you need to open a libary you also need the Exec.h files
included. My question where to put those?
And should i really open those libraries in my function or should it be a
request before you use the function itself?

Then i started writing the myfunctions.c,
i wrote it, i'll give you the source for it (hasn't been tested, some maybe
lot's of bugs, just for the idea)

#include <string.h>
char* getFilename(char* title,char* location)
struct Library *AslBase;
struct FileRequester *fr;

if (AslBase = OpenLibrary("asl.library", 37L))
if (fr = (struct FileRequester *)
if (AslRequest(fr, NULL))
printf("PATH=%s FILE=%s\n", fr->rf_Dir, fr->rf_File);
else return "";



So i found out, i needed the string.h include to be able to use the strcat
function, again i don't know what to do: put a #include <string.h> in this
myfunctions.c file, or should it be in my myfunctions.h file...

Maybe you don't get all my problems, but the mainpoint is: how to organize
such things to put some things in seperate files. Till this time i always
just one file with all the code scrammed into it, and i want to start
reorganizing my code.

Thanks for any help and for all people who reacted to my IDCMP question.


Joris Kempen - webmaster
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