C (245/257)

Date:27 Feb 2001 at 00:17:06
Subject:Re: C-Amiga book?

i see your point on book likely to be unprofitable.

However my idea was that it would be published on volume of 100 - 500, and
propably more likely to be on 100 - 250 than 500.

however, i need to check how much it would cost. As if i rightly have
understood, it`s quite expensive to publish a book on such a low numbers.

And as one stated, even high percents from almost nothing or nothing isnt
very much. I have to say, that this propably wouldnt give writers very much
money, especially as there are likely to be more than just one writer.

As you can easily count it yourself, lets say hopefully 500 copies are sold,
each by having 3$ profit. 500 x 3 is 1 500

then if i would take 500$ from that, and give authors the rest and then if
there are 5 - 10 authors possibly, it would be from 100 - 200$ each writer
would gain. So not very much as you can see. And especially when we can
very likely at least halve that number of books even done, it would also
halve the pounds.

So i`m not counting on getting lot of profit from that book at least not for
a start. I`m more thinking of helping me myself and others who are troubled
on Amiga-C usage.

So if i have, lets say, 200$ loss because of not enough books selling. I
think its not too high cost from learning those things i for long have
wanted to learn.

You dont study for such a cheap price on schools when living is counted.

however i do have an eye on profit possibility too. Because if AmigaOne will
conquer space from earth, then this book could sell quite well.

I think that poll is a good idea. I will check Yahoogroups poll system
propably this week, and will then tell you if i set it up.

There was also idea of seting up a net system around this. I think this
could be good solution.

First of all i already have quite a lot of unused space (maybe 90Mb). And if
i wouldnt make for it a root address, it wouldnt cost nothing but time.

Secondly it would be free for all, accessible for many, and be expendable.

and Thirdly, i could later perhaps if need would come, publish that book and
possibly already have content.

If that book seems to be not needed enough i will start thinking
that net possibility.

So give ideas for that net system.

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