C (249/257)

Date:27 Feb 2001 at 12:35:23
Subject:Re: iff.library

>Hello Shinda

>On 23-Feb-01, you wrote:

>> This error is occuring sincce you do not open the libraries in your
>> code. You are assuming the compiler will do this for you, which it
>> does for some OS libs, but I think this is bad practice.
>> To fix the problem you need
>> struct Library *IFFBase;
>> and then in the begining of your code you need,
>> IFFBase = OpenLibrary("iff.library, 37L);
>> and at the end a
>> CloseLibrary(IFFBase);
>I have done so testing with iff.library myself, just to put a simple ilbm
>picture to a screen. I could post the source if you want? It's not big,
>about 1,5 kb

yes, yes, please
send me this source



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