C (251/257)

Date:27 Feb 2001 at 21:25:45
Subject:Re: C-Amiga book?

Hi Mike,

> well stick me down for a copy, i much prefer using reference material
> on paper than from files on disk/cd.

That goes for many of us, I should imagine, but personally I wouldn't have a
problem with printing out particularly pertinent chapters.

Of course, given the state of the current Amiga browsers WRT printing,
that'd probably mean we'd need more print-friendly (i.e. PostScript or PDF)
version of the tutorials, as well as HTML... (As you may remember, I *like*
PostScript ;^)

> Covering things like directory scanning (ExAll, ExNext etc.) and how
> to copy a file the fool proof way and simple things which are handy as
> a quick reference.

So we're thinking in terms of filling in the gaps left by the Amiga Mail
articles on the DevCD? (And how to use newer APIs that have become
available since they were written?)

> Granted these code snippets could just as well be offered on a web
> site - such as the C repository. BTW: has the site been moved to a
> better server (ie. non Redhotant.com yet??)

Not yet, but I'm working on it ;^)

> a nice sql search engine to find code snippets on given topics would
> be handy. and allow a form button to copy the code from the page to
> the clipboard at the click of it :o) for lazy people to paste into
> their c text editor... hehe.

Ah - but that would be a security risk ;^p

All the best,

Alastair M. Robinson, email:blackfive@fakenhamweb.co.uk

-- You know you've been hacking too long when...
...you start typing semi-colons at the end of sentences instead of full stops;

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