C (29/257)

Date:02 Feb 2001 at 16:40:32
Subject:Re: structures...

Hello Alexander

On 01-Feb-01, you wrote:

AN> Say you had the following structure:

AN> struct test
AN> {
AN> char *str;
AN> long val;
AN> }

AN> In Delphi there is a keyword 'with' which allows you to do the
AN> following; rather than...

AN> struct test blah;

AN> blah.str = abc;
AN> blah.val = xyz;

AN> ... you can do...

AN> struct test blah;

AN> with blah do
AN> begin
AN> str = abc;
AN> val = xyz;
AN> end;

AN> Is there an equivalent in C/C++?

You can do:

#define str blah.str
#define val blah.var


#undef str
#undef val

Thats a workaround.


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