DOpus (106/222)

From:Dave Clarke
Date:17 Mar 2001 at 09:32:12
Subject:[D5] Re: New Stuff

Once upon a time, 16-Mar-01 15:53:16, Dave Clarke spoke thus about
'[D5] Re: New Stuff':

>> On 14-Mar-01, Keith Halstead wrote:

>>>> I've had a little play with this and found that ArcHandlerEx is
>>>> considerably slower than ArcDir at listing directories in LHA/LZX
>>>> archives when there are lots of files in them (even if they are somewhere
>>>> else in the archive). I should think a good example would be try them
>>>> both with the Magnum Opus archive. Any way to speed it up to ArcDir
>>>> speeds?

>The actual section in the script that does the parsing is very short, (and I
>keep looking at it to see if I can trim bits here and there), with xad
>providing the archive listing in a uniform format, writing a small C program
>to do the same as ArcDirList should be a simple matter.

As an addendum: I've just written one in E, (which seems a hell of a lot
easier than C....probably because it comes later in the alphabet and has
thus evolved :)

Seems to work OK except for a small bug regarding file sizes, otherwise
archive listing suffers a 300% increase in speed ;^)

So with any luck an updated ArcHandlerEx will soon appear.


_--_|\ Dave Clarke | Four Wheel Drive: - Helps you get stuck |
/ \ | faster, harder, further from help.|
\_.--.*/ <-Melbourne | Powered by: A3000 '060/50+604/180 138MB |
v | P-IV/Concierto/Pablo/Paloma |

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