DOpus (113/222)

From:Dave Clarke
Date:18 Mar 2001 at 04:43:15
Subject:[D5] Re: ArcHandlerEX

Once upon a time, 18-Mar-01 07:55:35, Andreas Mixich spoke thus about
'Re: ArcHandlerEX (was Re: [D5] Re: New Stuff)':

>Dave worte:

>>> I hate to tell you this but .ADZ files are GZIP archives.

>Was this a reply to my mail ? I did not get it.

A ADZ archive is nothing more than an ADF archive that has been compressed
using either GZIP, (generally, whether via the gzip command or an external
library using the same algorythm), or PKZIP.

The extension .ADZ is directly comparable to .ADF.GZ, (exactly the same
analogy is had with .TGZ archives, .TGZ = .TAR.GZ). The reason it's been
shortened to only three letters is directly related to standard MS-DOS naming
conventions, (and people are inherently lazy :)

Therefore, with this in mind, xadmaster.library will _always_ identify an ADZ
archive as either a GZIP or PKZIP archive. (You will note that nowhere in
the xadmaster.library documents does it mention a _seperate_ client for ADZ

It is an archive within an archive, exactly the same as having a LhA archive
within a ZIP archive.

ArcHandlerEx will show you the contents of an ADZ archive, which will be an
ADF archive.

If you then doubleclick on the ADF archive another lister will open showing
the contents of the ADF archive.

eg. SomeFile.ADZ -> SomeFile.ADF -> Files/Dirs

As you can see, it's a two stage process whether creating or extracting.

Because xadmaster.library has no provision for adding or deleting files from
_any_ type of archive you will only be able to copy files from the archive.


_--_|\ Dave Clarke | Four Wheel Drive: - Helps you get stuck |
/ \ | faster, harder, further from help.|
\_.--.*/ <-Melbourne | Powered by: A3000 '060/50+604/180 138MB |
v | P-IV/Concierto/Pablo/Paloma |

And Funboy, don't be happy...worry.

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