DOpus (133/222)

From:Roy Bartsch
Date:21 Mar 2001 at 16:19:07
Subject:[D5] Re: Placing BackDrops

On Mittwoch, the 21-M�r-01
Jack York wrote at 15:35:47
about [D5] Placing BackDrops :

JY-> Hello,
JY-> I would like to use a backdrop image that is smaller in width than
JY-> my wb screen and have the image right justified. I have seen this
JY-> on some posted screengrabs. The only way I can see to do this is to
JY-> edit the image so that it has a border on one side but this will
JY-> take a lot of work with all of the images I have. Is there an DOpus
JY-> setting that will handle this automatically.
JY-> Jack

Hi Jack,

Go to DOpus` backgroundsettings. Right after the filepath/name click on
the [?] and select `center`.
That`s all :-)

LIVE LONG, AND PROSPER ___....-----'---`-----....___
Roy Bartsch (___) _|_|_|_ (___) \\____.-'_.---._`-.____//
PGP 5 key available on request ~~~~`.__`---'__.'~~~~

The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that
the first one was useless.
-- Chamfort

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