DOpus (169/222)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:27 Mar 2001 at 22:50:02
Subject:Re: [D5] ButtonBank Popups

Databug wrote in a Mail about "[D5] ButtonBank Popups":

> Hello, All
> I've just noticed an irritating little thing about button bank
> popups.Regardless
> of the order in wich multiple functions on a single button are arranged
> in the
> popup they always seem to appear in the order in wich they were created.
> This is
> a bit of a pain if you want the order to be more logical. For instance
> on one of
> my buttons I have 1. Main ISP Dialup 2. Secondary Dialup 3. Miami
> Offline &
> Quit. Yet on the popup menu the order is as follows 1. Secondary Dialup
> 2. Miami
> Offline 3. Main Dialup. Is there any way of changing this order other
> that
> re-creating the button?

Interesting. I did not notice this so far. Have to check...

Do you know how how it is possible to have an entry in a
startmenu/buttonbank, that either starts my editor empty or uses
the current listers selected file as arg ?

I can do either

AmigaDOS ed {f} (which only starts 'ed' if I have selected a file)
or without {f}, but then I have no fileargs if I'd need them.

Good bye,

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