DOpus (187/222)

From:Patryk �ogiewa
Date:28 Mar 2001 at 12:29:07
Subject:[D5] Re: St. Louis?

Hello Jonathan

>> If you want to sell a product for a particular computer, you have to
>> write it to work with its current operating system. Insisting the OS is
>> changed to suit you, rather than coding for what exists, or refusing to
>> accept it as it is, is being pig headed. No matter how good or bad the OS
>> actually is.
> My point, which never seems to seep through people's skulls, is that it's
> not Opus that is incompatible with 3.9. It's 3.9 that disables _its own_
> features when Opus is running. No one has ever told me why it needs to do
> this.

The most probably it needs to do this to make the "proper" impression on the
users. To make them believe that it is Dopus that is not up to date. And
that there is a "newer, better OS there", which should be used instead or
one may be missing some "very important OS (!) features". You know: "...
today we needed to disable animated icons only but if you insist on using
dopus, tomorrow we may need to disable scsi.device or maybe even
exec.library. Who knows? So be warned."


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