DOpus (196/222)

From:Dr Greg Perry
Date:29 Mar 2001 at 02:43:51
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: St. Louis?

On 27-Mar-01 01:56:12 Wil Haslup wrote:

>Hi Petteri

>On 28-Mar-01, you wrote:

>> On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Bill Eaves wrote:

>>> Appicons I could not care less about but I am peed off that
>>> *normal* icons are just so slow in DOpus conmpared to the basic WB.
>>> Its painful watching a window with a few icons in DOpus pop up one
>>> by one very slowly :-(

>> Icons are obsolete anyway ;) I don't have any icons on my wb anymore
>> and I never use listers in icon mode. Move on and forget the icons
>> :)

>Everyone doesn't work the same way....options are provided and
>alternatives crop up because of this. While some may prefer to avoid
>icons, others still have a use for them. If applications don't
>address the potentials available in the OS, it seems, at least, short

Unfortunately the icon library is a sore point. In 3.1 programs could access
the icon image data and Opus could do neat things such as caching the images,
optimising colours & transparency etc but under 3.5 this was taken away
from us (and other programs) and it was made such that it is now forbidden
to access the actual image data and in fact the structures are now private.
The result of this is that we are forced to go through the new top level
OS 3.5 routines which are much slower. It seemed like a lack of forethough
and a totally retrograde step to take as far as we (and others) were concerned.
We argued strongly against this move but they refused to listen to us. So take
it up with those who stuffed it up, not us.

Regards, Dr Greg Perry
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
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