DOpus (22/222)

From:Benny Pedersen
Date:5 Mar 2001 at 00:58:31
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: Opus6 (was: Merry Christmas)

--- Reply to a message ---
By: Jacob Laursen
->: a Mail
:>: [D5] Re: Opus6 (was: Merry Christmas)

> What's wrong with ReqTools, besides that it can't *show* long
> filenames? I've tried to get used to the latest ASL, but I'm still much
> more satisfied with ReqTools. And Olaf is not going to implement my
> needs in ASL...

what are your needs ?

why will olaf not implement what reqtools can do into asl, i don't get it :(

reqtools still rules !

Benny Pedersen icq:36248146

...An optimist believes that we live in the best of all possible worlds,
the pessimist FEARS it's true.

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