DOpus (30/222)

From:Dr Greg Perry
Date:6 Mar 2001 at 02:42:27
Subject:Re: [D5] OS reinstall & DOpus reinstall questions...

On 06-Mar-01 09:49:43 Wil Haslup wrote:

>Hi all,

>I've encountered something that I'd like some feedback on.

>I recently had to rebuild my sys: partition.

>I installed OS 3.1 from floppies to a blank partition.
>I installed DOpus 5 from floppy to the same partition and selected
>start iconified.

>I installed my 5.5 and Magellan upgrades.

>Things are fine to this point.

>I installed OS3.5 from CD

>things are still fine except for the OS3.5 incompatabilities with
>DOpus Magellan pre patches.

>I installed both of the DOpus patches.

>Things are fine now.

>Then I installed both Boing Bags....

>Hmmm, the animated .gifs on the workbench aren't working.

>If I install the boing bags first and then the DOpus patches I don't
>think this happens.

>Am I just the last to figure this out or is this something you get to
>trip over only if you do a reinstall?

>I'm guessing this has something to do with updating the icon.library
>and under what conditions. Insights appreciated?

The Opus 5.82 OS 3.5 update included a new icon library to fix several
problems of the original release. Most likely this is being installed
over the BB one. You may have to check exactly which icon library you
have installed and make sure you are using the latest one.

Regards, Dr Greg Perry
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
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