DOpus (35/222)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:8 Mar 2001 at 06:37:29
Subject:[D5] How to create universal items


I want to make a dock button for the Editor. Until now I used Tool-
manager, which did either simply launch the editor when I clicked
the button or launched the editor with all the files I dropped on
the dock (option "Arguments"). With Dopus I seem not be able to do
this. Is that right ? Dopus offers only:

Either I start the editor...

AmigaDOS c:ed

...or I launch the editor only if you drop files on me:

AmigaDOS c:ed {F}

Any idea ?

Same is for start-menus. I'd be glad to apply the start-menu item
on some files in a lister as well as use it to start the desired
application empty.

Good bye,

Guru Meditation #8100000B.48454C50

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