DOpus (37/222)

From:Javier de las Rivas
Date:8 Mar 2001 at 16:09:20
Subject:[D5] little bug?

hi using DOpusII in WRM.
DOpusConfig 'Window Zooms to Title Bar' enabled

i choose a file/dir to delete,
Dopus ask me if i want to do it, OK
i don't press 'Proceed' i click the Zoom gadget so the window zooms to
title bar,
now i press proceed to delete the files/dirs.
and 'unzoom' the window, OK
the files are gone but the window title bar isn't updated and
if a press ENTER (or with the mouse) to change the path i can't �:-/


se below for my system specifications
A1200T/WB3.9/KS3.1/040-PPC200/BVision/66Mb/HD2Gb/CDR/CD/ZIP/ScanJet5p :-P

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