DOpus (38/222)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:8 Mar 2001 at 21:57:55
Subject:Re: [D5] Stall while loading

Bruner, Todd said,

> 1. The "apparent" stall and longer time to load occurred after I installed
> the latest from Magnum Opus.
> Is this normal? Again all works fine.

Do you have a large number of filetypes in stalled now? This is bound to
slow down booting as Opus scans them al. Move the ones you aren't likely
to need into Storage.

> 2. My RAM: ENV directory has lots of stuff in it. I suppose if I wanted to
> reduce the amount of stuff that is going into RAM:ENV I could remove the
> .prefs and module(?) files from ENVARC (sp) and store them until I need
> them. For example the adpf (SP) file is almost 1.M (7xx k or 8xx k - I
> rounded up).

Install HappyENV and enjoy faster booting and reduced memory usage.

> Are these two issues related?

It's unlikely.


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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