DOpus (81/222)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:10 Mar 2001 at 14:41:33
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: Stall while loading

Keith Halstead wrote in a Mail about "[D5] Re: Stall while loading":

> though it is only 300k on the disk) it also has the advantage that
> "USEd"
> settings are still there after a reboot along with the "SAVEd" ones in

But you destroy the concept of ENV: and ENVARC: I mean, you reverse
the invention ;-)

ENV: has two reasons: One is fast access to prefs files and
especially global DOS variables. Can make batch-scripts run much
faster, if they read form memory instead of from fixed disk.

The other one you can find in the "Use" and "Test" gadgets of many preferences programs as well as in the "Restore previuos Settings"
menu. (That is like an UNDO for Prefs)) If ENVARC: and ENV: are the
same, you loose all these features.

I must admit, I had played around with it, but I got unlucky be hearing disk access every second. That was, when some utility wrote $TIME every second, hehe.

I really would recommend HappyEnv or HappyEnv-Handler with MCP.

Good bye,

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