DOpus (93/222)

From:Michael Rozeboom
Date:14 Mar 2001 at 11:16:06
Subject:[D5] Re: Stall while loading

Hello Neil Bothwick

On 09-Mar-01, Neil remarked about Re: Stall while loading:

>NB Jeff Gilpin said,

>NB> Actually, I tried that and it doesn't work. Either IPrefs or
>NB> WorkBench.library is hard coded to look for the system prefs
>NB> in ram:ENV instead of ENV:.

>NB Sshh! Don't tell my Amigas. I've not had ENV: in RAM: for at least eight
>NB years and they haven't complained yet.

>NB I've used HappyENV for the last four years, and HDEnv before that.

I've tried HappyENV, but some programs seem to have issues with it...

So I did the obvious.

In the startup-sequence there is an IF-Then part. If a certain directory
exists on a certain on hard drive, Then ENV is loaded from there. The boot drive
just keeps on going as the ENV is loaded from another physical drive. Since
all my drives are SCSI-II, it is quite fast.



Michael Rozeboom
__ /// Member, Team *AMIGA* A2000/A3000/A4000/A500
\\\/// B2000/Blizzard2060/OS 3.5/67M/SCSI-II I/O: MFC-III/Liana/Envoy
\XX/ Video: CV64-3D/19"VGA/A2320 Apps: DOpus5/WBR, Fusion 3.1/Mac OS 7.5.5
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