WarpUp (13/66)

From:Paul Heams
Date:16 Feb 2001 at 23:52:51
Subject:Re: Morph into Warp


On 25-Feb-01, you wrote:

> Hello Paul
> On 16-f�v-01, you wrote:
>> So far, only program affected this is the "DeathTrial" demo by Mankind.
>> However, they have already created a fixed version.
>> ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
>> **
> True !
> just one routine (metaball init at start and metaballs themselves) used a
> struct with word+float. I wasn't aware about that emulation, now I am and
> will never spread progs with non-4bytes aligned float/doubles.
> it's easy to generate one,just use:
> struct iwanttobothertimu
> {
> short iamshort;
> float iamfloat;
> }

I only realised this while working on Sid4Amiga some time ago. I couldn't
understand why a new version was so much slower than the previous release.
After retracing my steps I reverted a STRUCT and BANG - fast again. (It would
have been nice for Storm C to mention it as a warning).

> For myself I don't mind !! i will continue coding under warpos,
> aligning my floats, and my future demos will run on both warpos and
> morphos. G4 will came, we will have G4 with both morphos and warpos,
> and it will work.

Agreed. I think that WarpOS emulation in MorphOs is a very good thing. (It
will be even better once I've worked out why it isn't running on my system
anymore). I will also continue coding in WarpOS.


"All those.. moments will be lost... in time.. like.. tears... in the rain..
. . . . . .
. . Time To Die...." . Paul Heams (paul@heams.freeserve.co.uk)
. . . http://www.heams.freeserve.co.uk