WarpUp (46/66)

From:Mark Olsen
Date:23 Feb 2001 at 19:29:09
Subject:Re: Cant use Yam no more..

Hello Shane

On 23-Feb-01, you wrote:

>> I'm using standard FFS from os3.9 CD.
>> .joppe
> Speaking of FileSystems, are we ever likely to get say a WarpOS version of
> SFS or FFS ???

Sure, if you like ultrahigh latencies and slow file I/O, go ahead, do it.
If there was an 68k emulator for WarpOS, things would be different, but
there isn't.

> With DMA scsi my blizzppc.device doesn't run any overhead but the xDHx:
> Tasks can get as high as 20 % of my 040 which is already choking on
> input.device (50% load).

I can get 99% CPU usage by reading from my IDE drive.
