WarpUp (48/66)

From:Jesper Wilhelmsson
Date:23 Feb 2001 at 21:44:26
Subject:Re: Cant use Yam no more..

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Frank Wille wrote:
> Perhaps you are using ppclibemu V0.8c and there are some programs
> (a datatype?) which open ppc.library during startup? YAM might use
> PPC datatypes too.
> Get ppclibemu V0.8f and try again. The V0.8c which comes with
> WarpOS V5 has a bug.

I don't think I use ppclibemu (maybe I should...?). I have a Blizzard 603e
board and the folowing is in my startup-sequense:

(first line:) bppcfix >nil: install
some assigns...
loadlib libs:ppc.library

I read somewhere that loadlib was a more system friendly way of putting
the correct version of ppc.library in memory than different patches etc.

Where can I find ppclibemu 0.8f? I only found 0.8d on aminet.

How should I set the settings in the preferences? I have tried most
combinations and can't see any difference no matter what.. (yes I have
rebooted in between...)

