WarpUp (50/66)

From:Frank Wille
Date:23 Feb 2001 at 22:58:04
Subject:Re: Cant use Yam no more..

Jesper Wilhemsson wrote:

> > Perhaps you are using ppclibemu V0.8c and there are some programs (a
> > datatype?) which open ppc.library during startup? YAM might use PPC
> > datatypes too.
> >
> > Get ppclibemu V0.8f and try again. The V0.8c which comes with WarpOS
> > V5 has a bug.
> >
> I don't think I use ppclibemu (maybe I should...?). I have a Blizzard
> 603e board and the folowing is in my startup-sequense:
> (first line:) bppcfix >nil:
> install some assigns...
> loadlib libs:ppc.library ...

You initialized ppc.library although you said above that you don't
use the ppc.library emulation? Makes not much sense...

I think you have ppclibemu installed. If it were the original li-
brary, you would have bigger problems. ;)

> I read somewhere that loadlib was a more system friendly way of putting
> the correct version of ppc.library in memory than different patches etc.

Better use PPCInstall. LoadLib will not increase the OpenCnt of
the library, so it might get removed from memory on the next memo-
ry flush.

> Where can I find ppclibemu 0.8f? I only found 0.8d on aminet.

Sorry... I looked into my history file for the most recent version,
but 0.8f was not yet released. :)

Get the 0.8e from my home page (this is the first version which
supports Voyager's VFlash plugin).

> How should I set the settings in the preferences?

I don't know what's best for BPPC owners, but I have the following:

Terminator = 1
EnAlignExc = 1
NoPatch = 1
SegInfo = 64

_ Frank Wille (frank@phoenix.owl.de)
_ // http://home.owl.de/~frank/
\X/ Phx @ #AmigaGer