WarpUp (51/66)

Date:23 Feb 2001 at 23:56:09
Subject:Re: Cant use Yam no more..

Hello Frank

On 23-Feb-01, you wrote:

>> Where can I find ppclibemu 0.8f? I only found 0.8d on aminet.
> Sorry... I looked into my history file for the most recent version,
> but 0.8f was not yet released. :)
> Get the 0.8e from my home page (this is the first version which
> supports Voyager's VFlash plugin).

I have tried but when i run for exemple
http://www.eye4u.com/home/index.html It give to me:

<< ERROR: couldn't load player module?!? >> but I have in plugin of voyager
(version 3.3.79) VFLASH 1.2 (API version 3) with futuresplash ,
x-shockwave-flash , swf all supported .....so why doesn't it work ?? I
use on 604 ppc

>> How should I set the settings in the preferences?
> I don't know what's best for BPPC owners, but I have the following:
> Terminator = 1
> EnAlignExc = 1
> NoPatch = 1
> SegInfo = 64

And for 604 + cybervisionppc which is the best settings ?


> --
> _ Frank Wille (frank@phoenix.owl.de)
> _ // http://home.owl.de/~frank/
> \X/ Phx @ #AmigaGer