WarpUp (55/66)

From:Jesper Wilhelmsson
Date:24 Feb 2001 at 22:13:44
Subject:Can use Yam again, but only with snoopdos...

On 23-Feb-01, Frank wrote:

>>> Perhaps you are using ppclibemu V0.8c and there are some programs (a
>>> datatype?) which open ppc.library during startup? YAM might use PPC
>>> datatypes too.
>>> Get ppclibemu V0.8f and try again. The V0.8c which comes with WarpOS
>>> V5 has a bug.
>> I don't think I use ppclibemu (maybe I should...?). I have a Blizzard
>> 603e board and the folowing is in my startup-sequense:
>> (first line:) bppcfix >nil:
>> install some assigns...
>> loadlib libs:ppc.library ...
> You initialized ppc.library although you said above that you don't
> use the ppc.library emulation? Makes not much sense...
> I think you have ppclibemu installed. If it were the original li-
> brary, you would have bigger problems. ;)

Uh.. Sorry, I thought ppclibemu was a program...
So I am using it, version 0.8d as it seems (now updated to 0.8e)

>> I read somewhere that loadlib was a more system friendly way of putting
>> the correct version of ppc.library in memory than different patches etc.
> Better use PPCInstall. LoadLib will not increase the OpenCnt of
> the library, so it might get removed from memory on the next memo-
> ry flush.

I found where I read it: In your README-file in the ppclibemu-package:

"Please remove PPCInstall from your startup-sequence. You will get
the same effect by using "loadlib path:ppc.library", but don't
place the call before "C:Copy >NIL: ENVARC: RAM:ENV ALL NOREQ" !"

Never read the readme's ;-)

So where do I find ppcinstall? I can't find it on your homepage (though I
found some other very impressive stuff). It's not on Aminet nor in the WOS
package and a search on Google only gave me 8 pages teling me NOT to use

My current status is:
I have reinstalled MUI and removed all datatypes, no difference.
After trying mostly everything I have came to the conclution that Yam (and
the other programs) work if I:

* Remove bppcfix from startup-sequence (which results in a milion 'Warning
blah, blah, Terminate / Cancel'-messages where I press cancel) OR

* Run snoopdos first... (what?!)
The only thing that have to be monitored is the LoadSeg-calls (since it's
one of them that goes wrong...) Once I have started Yam once, I can close
it and SnoopDos and then run all programs without problems.

So now my question is: What is Snoopdos doing that obviously heals all
broken parts of the system?

I wonder if this may be related to that picture.datatype bug that existed
once. What version of picture.datatype and ilbm.datatype are safe to use?
