WarpUp (58/66)

Date:25 Feb 2001 at 03:09:11
Subject:Re: Can use Yam again, but only with snoopdos...

Salut Jesper

On 24-f�v-01, you wrote:

> So where do I find ppcinstall? I can't find it on your homepage (though I
> found some other very impressive stuff). It's not on Aminet nor in the WOS
> package and a search on Google only gave me 8 pages teling me NOT to use
> ppcinstall...

I use ppcinstall for months and it works fine.
PPCINSTALL is on phase5 archives: I've found it on my first flashrom update
> My current status is:
> I have reinstalled MUI and removed all datatypes, no difference.
> After trying mostly everything I have came to the conclution that Yam (and
> the other programs) work if I:
> * Remove bppcfix from startup-sequence (which results in a milion 'Warning
> blah, blah, Terminate / Cancel'-messages where I press cancel) OR
> * Run snoopdos first... (what?!)
> The only thing that have to be monitored is the LoadSeg-calls (since it's
> one of them that goes wrong...) Once I have started Yam once, I can close
> it and SnoopDos and then run all programs without problems.

loadseg calls? so there are Power-up apps called when you launch YAM?
> So now my question is: What is Snoopdos doing that obviously heals all
> broken parts of the system?
> I wonder if this may be related to that picture.datatype bug that existed
> once. What version of picture.datatype and ilbm.datatype are safe to use?

Are you using akdatatypes? In that case, your problems come from the call of
the datatypes by MUI... For my part I use warpdatatypes and each time I
desactivate warp-os I encounter problem with some 68K apps such as
Stricq... etc..
So I guess it could be that.


ANTEK/Alliance Micro
Antek' system is:
A1240/33Mhz, 603e+/233, Bvision GFX card, Delfina sound card, 128Mo Ram,
Epson GT scanner, UWscsi barracuda HDD, Yamaha CDRW.