AmigaActive (1286/1947)

Date:22 Apr 2001 at 20:12:43
Subject:Re: AACDs Nos.18 &19

Hello Bob

On 22-Apr-01, you wrote:

> Alright, I'm sure this has been covered earlier, but if so I must have
> missed it. Sorry.
> Up to and including issue 17 I was able to access all the CDs without any
> problem, but the last 2 appear unreadable in the usual sense of the word.
> Read-me's don't read, CD search just sits there laughing at me. Prefs are
> set up to use Opus filetypes. I can read via the Opus read command but not
> directly by clicking on the file, not even icons. I have AmiCDFS version
> 2.4 installed and followed the instructions on page 5 of issue 17. All
> this did is show a CD:NDOS icon on the workbench screen. I only have OS3.1
> roms if this is significant. I do not rely on access to these disks
> particularly, but as I paid for them I expect to be able to use them. If
> the solution to this appears glaringly obvious to most of you, and you
> don't wish to flood the list with many posts of the same content, please
> feel free to mail solutions privately to this 'silly old sod'.

aacd 18 works fine but i have had problems reading disk 19,the icons take
forever to load(if at all)i have had to access the cd using 'Ordering'.It's
rather annoying so i haven't really had a look at what's on there yet.if
it's any consulation,i'm a bit of a useless old tosser when it comes to
computer problem solving.
-- nobby--
online with AMIGA and secondhandstuff
A1200,OS3.0,blizzard 030,12plex cd-rom,10meg,surf squirrel,trust 33k6
modem(temporarily),phillips cm8833-IImonitor.540MHD.
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