AmigaActive (1291/1947)

From:Ray Tunstall
Date:22 Apr 2001 at 19:43:52
Subject:Re: HD`s revisited

Hello Nick,

On 03-Jan-78, you wrote:

>NC Hello everyone,
>NC I`m still having trouble with my 10GB Western Digital harddrive and
>NC I`ll just say thankyou for all of your advice but unfortunatly I am
>NC still at square one.
>NC 1...
>NC Is it normal for an EYETECH 4-way buffered interface to have one of
>NC it`s pins missing on one of the ports ( incidently the IDE male
>NC connecters are called "port 1" and "port 0" on the IDE interface and
>NC are next to the small IDE male port.)

Yes. It is the reset line IIRC and helps when doing a soft reboot.

>NC 2...
>NC can someone confirm to me what UNIT, PORT, DEVICE are and what part
>NC they play.

Device is for instance scsi.device, which is always case sensitive.
Unit with IDE, is dependant on where abouts on the interface the
drives are i.e. Unit 0 is the master on the primary channel, Unit 1 is
the slave on the Primary, Unit 2 is the master on the secondary channel
and Unit 3 is the slave on the secondary.

You have two options here :-

1. Seeing that you have a 2.5 hard drive which don't usually let you have
another drive as a slave on the same channel, you would need to set that
up as master on the primary and put your new 10gb drive as master on the
secondary channel, and your CDrom drive as slave o the secondary channel.
To do this you connect the 2.5 dirve on the 2.5 connector you have no
jumper to set on this one the 2.5 connector is in parallel with port0 so
you can't connect anything to port0 as the 2.5 just acts as master on its
own, set the jumper on the 10gb drive to master and connect this to a 3
way cable on port1 and connect your CDRom drive with its jumper set as
slave on the other connector on port1.
To see the large hard drive you need to have IDEfix installed and
running in your startup-sequence. You will also need a different file
system to use a 10gb hard drive and I recommend OS3.9 with it's FFS45.9.
If you can't afford that then SFS is the cheapest as it's free. You need
version 1.84 if you can't get hold of it mail me privately and I'll send
it you.
When you have a file system to use, copy your file system to L: then
run HDToolbox. Seeing you are using Workbench 3.1 just set up the
partitions and file system. I recommend you set your Workbench partition
and say your Work partition below the 4gb barrier, as you may need
something on the Work partition when booting. Seein that you already have
a hard drive attached that probably has partitions DH0 and such, on this
drive they will get the names QDH0 if it is a Quantum drive, or WDH0 if
its a Western Digital, we don't have to bother about this as if you
decide to get rid of the other drive later you can always rename them
later without losing your data. Next click on the advanced options button
and click on Add/Update. Click on Add New File System and put
for instance. Click on OK. Click on Change. With the 3.1 version of
HDTollbox click on the cycle gadget at the top until the file system you
have installed shows up, if you're using SFS for instance it will be
SFS/01, with SFS leave file system block size at 512 for fast file system
you can set this higher with FFS 45.9 it automatically sets this at 1024,
you shouldn't need to change the Mask with a 4 way interface you
shouldn't need to change the MaxTransfer either.
Click on OK. Click on OK again. Click on Save Changes to drive. Exit and
reboot. You must reboot for the changes to take effect. When it boots
again you should see some HD icons as NDos or uninitialised or something
like that. If you are using SFS you will have to go into a shell and
format them with the SFSformat command.
i.e. SFSFormat Drive QDH1: Name Work NORECYCLED

I always use the norecycled option as there is supposed to be a bug in the
recycled bit, it is a beta version anyway ;-)

You can then test with the SFSQuery & SFSCheck commands.

If all as gone according to plan install your Workbench software and copy
all your software from you 2.5 drive. once it is all running OK run
HDToolbox again make your Workbench partition on your 10gb HD bootable by
ticking the button, save changes to HD, switch off take out your iffy 2.5
drive and move your 10gb HD onto port0, you probably won't have to change
your CDRom as that should still run as slave on the secondary channel. If
not you should only need to change the jumper to master, although with
some CDRoms I have had some don't like to be master but will happily run
on thier own channel as slave.

2. For this one you definately need a 3.1 Install disk or similar and
you'll need the file system you are going to use on it, plus any
formatting commands for that file system on the disk or another disk at
hand. Seeing as your 2.5 drive seems at least a bit iffy, dump it (or at
least put it to one side until after formatting and setting up the 10gb).
Connect the 10gb HD to port0 with jumper set to master. Run HDToolbox and
do exactly as I told you previously about setting up the file system and
partitionning, but you'll need to set it as bootable. With this when you
reboot with the install disk you should be able format it (You can
actually use the older FFS below the 4gb barrier but using it above the
4gb won't work as it just loops back to the start and overwrites the
start). After formatting install Workbench. When all up and running,
switch off an connect your 2./5 HD to the secondary channel bootup and
copy everthing you want onto your 10gb drive. Switch of and disconnect

>NC 3...
>NC Does it matter in what order you plug your IDE devices in on the IDE
>NC cable ( eg. there are to female connecters )

See answer above.

>NC 4...
>NC Can anyone tell me where I can get "RDPrep"from ( I have scanned AFCDs
>NC 32-50 looked on Aminet and scanned the WWW but no luck )

I see someone has supplied you with that.

>NC 5...
>NC I have OS 3.0, WB 3.1 do you think this is why HDtools and HDinstools
>NC cannot list my Western Digital HD.

Don't mix HDToolbox and HDInstallTools. There are often problems when
doing so. They use different methods of working out the sizes.

>NC 6...
>NC I also have another conner 2.5 700MB HD ( hold onto your seatbelts )
>NC the trouble is when I write, copy or sometimes view a file the screen
>NC will hang, the drive light will stay on and the drive will make a
>NC noise as if is trying to start spinning again , if I leave it for
>NC about 30 minutes it will fix itself it is not a regular validating
>NC process, also when I use a disk defragment programme it will get to a
>NC certain point on the disk and will start the above proceedier again
>NC when I boot up it will do likewise when it get`s to a certain point.
>NC Is there a way I can fix this.

The best thing to do with this is to save the programs off ti to your big
hard drive and bin it, otherwise it will only end in grief. (When you
lose all your prized data). Have you ever wondered it's always the
important stuff you lose. It's Murphy's Law.


Ray Tunstall

The sufferers parade their miseries, tear lint from their bruises, reveal
their indictable crimes, that you may pity them. They like sickness,
because physical pain will extort some show of interest from bystanders,
as we have seen children, who, finding themselves of no account when
grown people come in, will cough till they choke, to draw attention.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

*Amiga 1200, Apollo 040/40 MMU/FPU and 32mb Fast*

*Western Digital 20Gb HD, in an*

*Eyetech Mk 4 full Tower with LG 32x CD R/W*

*and 40x CDROM. 56k Modem with SilverSurfer Serial IF*

*and HP 610c Deskjet Printer with Turboprint 7.13*

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