AmigaActive (1300/1947)

From:Andy Hall
Date:22 Apr 2001 at 21:57:36
Subject:Re: Common misconception (was Re: Voyager Image Decoders)

Hello Steve

On 22-Apr-01, you wrote:

> In all honesty, I put 2+2 together and came up with 3.999999 i.e. pretty
> damned close, which is where I understand MorphOS becoming AmigaOS
> was.....until something changed that picture...

For a start I honestly didn't think Amiga Inc. were interseted in the
current OS, and I thought a PPC version would ever happen. Secondly I
didn't think that Amiga would want to have anything to do with the morphOS
team, after certain members' behaviour in public.

It's really frustrating, theres this little gang, Vapor, MorphOS, MUI and
some others, they're some of the most talented people in the entire
computer market, and yet they go about acting like arrogant so-and-so's
bitching about all over the place.

Personally I don't rate H&P, I think they've cause more problems than their
worth, but all this backstabbing and politics isn't helping anyone.

One thing I can't understand is that *IF* the MorphOS solution was
technically superior then why didn't Amiga go for them? The little MOS
brigade are always going on about how H&P are doing dodgy deals with Amiga
Inc. , but what do Amiga have to gain from that? After all H&P have caused
no end of problems, they didn't handle the OS updates too well, and at the
end of the day they're a little german firm pumping out average application
software. There must be a *VALID* *REASON* for Amiga's choice of OS base.

> For quickest time to market and probably the best solution...only MorphOS
> really makes any sense...who here believes 4.0, 4.2 will be on time,
> development cycles being what they are?

I honestly don't know. Nobody knows how much work had been done already.
Seeing as the big deal is the ExecPPC, a 68K emulator which H&P has been
reportedly been working on for some time (weren't the P5 G4's supposed to
use it?) A lot of it could be done already, then again, maybe not.


Andy "Caprice's Lover" Hall

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