AmigaActive (1328/1947)

Date:23 Apr 2001 at 01:38:21
Subject:Common misconception (was Re: Voyager Image Decoders)

--- In amigactive@y..., Matt Sealey <matt@k...> wrote:

> The fact is you don't have a clue what the real story behind that
is. There's
> a perfectly, PERFECTLY good reason why Ralph started slagging them

What the hell kind of an argument is that? It's like something a 7
year old would come up with. If theres a perfectly good reason then
tell us, unless you don't have one. Put your money where your mouth

> That's because it's INCREDIBLY short-sighted of a site like that to
shrug off
> the hard work he put into that plugin. A site saying "wow, I wish
> would make a better flash, it's a shame only IBrowse and this lame
> thing works" when V has had Flash for some years now had better go
> an eye test.

What a childish response though. He could of just let it drop, it
wasn't as if it was AA or had done it. Maybe they held a
grudge against Vapor. OH BUT OH-NO THEY CAN'T DO THAT! I MEAN YOU'D

> > If it's ripped off then why doesn't he take legal action?
> You think they didn't? Just because you didn't hear about it..

So did he succeed? I mean if they did rip it off then why didn't he

> Oliver Wagner wants to kick in Chris Wiles :P

That's OK then if Oliver wants to do it......

> I seem to remember phase5 went bankrupt before anything came of it.

And why was that? Besides doesn't PUP belong to Ralph Schmidt?
Couldn't he continue the suit?

> Proof? Ask Jurgen Haage, ask Fleecy, ask Ralph.. they'll all tell
you some
> version of the story (we don't like Ralph, we think they're both
> arrogant pricks, we don't like H&P respectively) but the gist of
it - and
> the facts behind it (Amiga did approach MorphOS, and then ran off
to a
> meeting with H&P afterwards)

So they're not allowed to look at every solution? Besides I think
Fleecy's version (as you put it) is probably the most correct.

> It does. Amiga don't know what they're doing.

Calm down Matt, it isn't Moobunny you don't HAVE to slag off Amiga
Inc. at least once a posting. And if Amiga did pick MorphOS? would
you still be slagging them off? Have you ever considered that they
were worried that Ralph habit of being abusive and obnoxious in
public and treating people like idiots would put future developers

> Ralph Schmidt's wife and puppy, the puppy being the standard PowerUP
> ppc.library, the wife being it being the standard, which all
migrates to
> MorphOS. Basically H&P are saying "we've got you by the balls, and
> now WE'RE going to make the PPC OS! We're bestfriends wth Fleeeeky,
> and yoOOOuur NOOoot... Nyah!"


> As I've been explained it by Fleecy, Ralph explained it - that he
would do
> it as long as H&P has nothing to do with it, and Hyperion at a
pinch too
> (problems with Steffen Haeusser). Fleecy asked H&P their position.
> chose H&P. The gist of it are that they'd rather have more people
> working together (H&P/Hyperion et al.) and getting on and a lot of
> ahead and a potentially inferior product, than less people getting
> with 75% of the work already done.

Is there anyone that Ralph doesn't have a problem with outside the
MOS group? And of course it's never HIS fault, it is?

If Amiga dropped Hyperion then they'd be stupid. They're far to
valuable to the amiga community.

> It's no secret Fleecy's university degree is in philosophy and
> or something just as daft. He's more a people person than a
> person. Hence this Community thing.

What the hell has his Uni degree got to do with anything? You'd be
happy if Amiga ignored everyone else except those who Ralph is
freinds with? I think you'll find it is because the userbase is so
tiny now that the only way the system will survive is if it all bands

> > How are you so certain about all this then? What (or who) do you
know that
> > we don't.
> I know, talk to, and work for, people you *certainly* don't :)

Which doen't make you biased in any way?


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