AmigaActive (1342/1947)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:23 Apr 2001 at 11:39:09
Subject:Re: Common misconception (was Re: Voyager Image Decoders)

Hello Vidar

On 23-Apr-01, you wrote:

> I don't know if this is true, but at least they don't go out in public to
> slam MorphOS and the people behind it. I fully understand that Amiga are
> sceptical about working with people that act like the MorphOS crew do. Ralph
> and co might be good programmers, but they need to get some manners and act
> more professionally IMO.

And H&P don't? You should go back and look at the PowerUP/WarpUP
propaganda war back in the early days, look at how much rubbish
was actually written. H&P have the integrity and technical knowledge
of Elbox, and the technical bullshit writing ability to match.

WarpUP is apparently faster, more stable, and more "open" than PowerUP.

Considering that WarpUP is actually considerably slower, unstable and
buggy (ask Microcode Solutions), and closed as closed could ever be
(when was the last time you saw anyone but H&P writing PPC card
drivers?). They actually used the word "open" as a buzzword to get
people to use it!

As I say, I agree with Fleecy that they're just as bad as each other. But
considering the timetables, Amiga now have their work cut out and it's
all their fault. Can they make it by July? I don't think so. Not without
rushing it considerably (and you KNOW what happens when H&P rush
things. See OS3.5 full of bugs, OS3.5 BB1 to fix them, OS3.5 BB2
packaging problems (it doesn't take 3 releases to get it right if you
know what you're doing in the first place), OS3.9 (no actual new
features, a development time of less than 6 weeks :), OS3.9 BB1
packaging problems, again doesn't take 2 releases to get it right :)

When you say "oh, but H&P are just another contractor", that doesn't
matter. That just means Amiga have their thumb on the code freeze
button instead of Jurgen Haage.

>>> One thing I can't understand is that *IF* the MorphOS solution was
>>> technically superior then why didn't Amiga go for them?
>> Because - and this is the truth - H&P took Amiga to one side and
>> convinced them otherwise.
> How do you know this? According to Fleecy this is not true.

That's not what I was told.


Matt Sealey <>

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