AmigaActive (1345/1947)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:23 Apr 2001 at 10:47:04
Subject:Re: Common misconception (was Re: Voyager Image Decoders)

Matt Sealey said,

>>> The fact is you don't have a clue what the real story behind that
>>> is. There's a perfectly, PERFECTLY good reason why Ralph started
>>> slagging them off.
>> What the hell kind of an argument is that? It's like something a 7
>> year old would come up with. If theres a perfectly good reason then
>> tell us, unless you don't have one. Put your money where your mouth

> And have Ralph slag *me* off? No thanks. It's pretty easy to work out
> why though, unless you're eternally stupid.

You mean *GUESS* the reasons? Isn't that the reason for many of the
splits, flamewars and misconceptions? People post and argue about what
they think is going on because they don't know.

Unless you can present verifiable facts to back up your statements, they
are only opinions and hearsay.

BTW the tagline was chosen by THOR, not me :-/



Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine

A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small package.

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