AmigaActive (1349/1947)

From:Vidar Langberget
Date:23 Apr 2001 at 11:00:36
Subject:Re: Common misconception (was Re: Voyager Image Decoders)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Sealey" <>
> > I don't know if this is true, but at least they don't go out in public
> > slam MorphOS and the people behind it. I fully understand that Amiga are
> > sceptical about working with people that act like the MorphOS crew do.
> > and co might be good programmers, but they need to get some manners and
> > more professionally IMO.
> And H&P don't? You should go back and look at the PowerUP/WarpUP
> propaganda war back in the early days, look at how much rubbish
> was actually written. H&P have the integrity and technical knowledge
> of Elbox, and the technical bullshit writing ability to match.

I'm not saying that what H&P said back then was correct, as I don't know,
but they presented their information in a more professional manner. Ralph on
the other hand tend to call people names in public. And that alone makes me
a bit sceptical about what he says.

> WarpUP is apparently faster, more stable, and more "open" than PowerUP.
> Considering that WarpUP is actually considerably slower, unstable and
> buggy (ask Microcode Solutions), and closed as closed could ever be
> (when was the last time you saw anyone but H&P writing PPC card
> drivers?). They actually used the word "open" as a buzzword to get
> people to use it!

I haven't followed this issue closely in the last couple of years, but back
when the "war" raged, Ralphs PPC libarary was full of bugs and problems as
well. I think most people found WarpUP more stable IIRC. It might have
changed now though.

> When you say "oh, but H&P are just another contractor", that doesn't
> matter. That just means Amiga have their thumb on the code freeze
> button instead of Jurgen Haage.

That's what you think. The truth might be different.



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