AmigaActive (1427/1947)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:23 Apr 2001 at 18:19:02
Subject:Re: POO MONITOR!

On 23-Apr-01, Glyn Astill said -

if I edit the monitor
>GA driver with moned it gets brighter but I cant save the
>GA changes, I've tryed changing the atributes of my
>GA monitors icon but it makes no difference.

You have 2 options if you can get it OK with MonEd:-

i) note down ALL the settings from MonEd, and then create tooltypes in the
monitor icon for each

ii) Note down all the details as before, but get MonSync (prolly on Aminet) which
goes in your startup-sequence and use the settings as detailed in the MonSync docs.

Personally, I do a bit of both, depending on my mood :o)



// A1200 '060/50, OS3.0, 16+2Meg, HPDJ610C,
// Squirrel, Power CD, Dual Floppies (Ooer), NEC
\\// Multisync 2A, Logic 3 Speedmouse, Sega controller,
\/ Inland Revenue Mousemat and no hair.

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