AmigaActive (1531/1947)

From:Jim Spratt
Date:24 Apr 2001 at 22:25:17
Subject:Re: Have I got a PC

Hello G.A.Griggs

On 24-Apr-01, you wrote:

> Alab Hwai Klen,
> Now you may think that I'm entirly of my truck but, can by any strech of
> the imagination can you consider the Amiga to be a PC. The reason I ask is
> work related. The company has brought out some new rules in light of a
> virus by e-mail scare last week. Needless to say I don't have to mention
> the name of the program involved ;-). This memo basiclly says I can't use
> my Amiga at home for non-company related word proccessing for fear of
> infecting the PC's at work (P.S I should'nt even be typing this E-mail but
> if you won't tell I won't). Natually I will be trying to explain to them
> that there is no chance off cross infection because of differnces in
> CPU's, File systems etc.

Totally, and I MEAN 100% different, so using PC formatted floppies on a
miggy will cause no harm whatsoever - in fact if it DID have a virus on it
it would only infect the PC - not the miggy.

This is plain silly, but more and more companies seem to think that if an
outside floppy goes NEAR their machine it'll infect it with a virus...

> Basically what I want is pointing at some source of infomation so that I
> can back up the argument. I already have one line which I admit is a bit
> weak in that just because it's a floppy disk do'nt mean the information is
> PC readable, I can back it up as my next door but one neighbour is a
> proffessonally plays the Organ. One of his Yamaha's uses Floppies but even
> My Amiga can't read them due to the fact the information is stored as an
> analoge not digital signal. The reason my argument is weak is that I have
> no idea if the PC can read thoose. (Be a first to my knowledge)

Nah - it'll most likely be a properity format - similiar to Midi prolly.

With regard to your information search find the False Authority Syndrome
document on the net, and print it out - it makes very interesting reading.

FInally tho, be aware that these days floppies are the most likely way TO
spread viruses (other than a net connection), but if adequate precautions
are taken they're no more dangerous than any other form of media. Heck
even a CD-ROM can transmit a virus...

The moral of the story (as has been said 101 times already) is keep your
virus checker up-to-date and do a COMPLETE disk scan on ALL disks @ least
once a week...

> Dont miss next weeks exciting e-mail


Jim Spratt (Amidev/Betajaen Moderator) or
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