AmigaActive (1557/1947)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:25 Apr 2001 at 09:21:29
Subject:Re: Re. ADSL

> Is it posible to connect an ADSL modem to my A1200, the amiga web
> site says that you can with O.S3.9 but I can't find any more info
> about it.

I was researching this yesterday, my new house is in an ADSL area :)

The standard ADSL service only works with the BT-supplied USB modem. It
may be possible to replace this with a suitable router, if you can find
the type BT use for their LAN accounts, but you'sd still need to
identify it to the system. When ADSL is installed there's a one-off
communication between the "modem" and system to identify you.

There is another alternative, or will be soon. A router with a
connection for a USB modem. You plug the modem into the router so your
setup is unchanged as far as BT are concerned.


> I remember reading a while back that it had been done useing a LAN
> connection, can it be sone via the serial port on the HYPERCOM card?

A serial port is far too slow for ADSL.

> I've got a ADSL modem which I got from HOME CHOICE tv they also offer
> a ADSL connection at £20 a month which I belive is a good deal is it
> posible to use this modem.

If you've already got the modem, you only need to check whether it has a
USB or RJ45 connector. Who is the ADSL service provided by?



Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine

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