AmigaActive (1738/1947)

From:Mikey C
Date:27 Apr 2001 at 11:28:58
Subject:My take on latest issue - 20

Hi gang, got the latest issue, of AA yesterday, haven't read it all
yet, but here is what I have found so far..

Page 2, Power computing advert, under new EIDE FIX ad, mentions turn
to page 17 for more info. Turn to page 17, nothing relevent.

Further on there is some text missing as has been mentioned already.

Jason Compton. Read his take in rant and raves, and whilst I agree
with a couple of his points, I really found the whole piece a personal
attack against Gary Peake.

I seem to recall earlier posts on CSAM between Gary and Jason yonks
ago and maybe it's me, but I seem to get the impression that Jason
really doesn't like Gary at all. Too much bias there.

Perhaps it would be nice if David and Co. allowed Gary to address
Jason's comments next issue? Just to balance things out.

Finally, was the guy with the '030 A1200 in the letters page for real?
if he was, let him and the likes, buy a PC, then we can all look
forward to people like him writting into PC magazines 10 years from
now, whinging that it doesn't care for Win 2000 users anymore.
- plonker.

Having said all that, this issue was probably the best we have had in
a long time, more Amiga coverage for starters, and yes I know that it
is only because of the lack of Amiga stuff you can print every month.
- Still excellent issue, so far!!

Finally, I too think that usegroups listing should be included every
month on a page somewhere.

That's it for now.


Mikey C

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