AmigaActive (1782/1947)

From:Kresimir Rogic
Date:28 Apr 2001 at 07:27:55
Subject:Re: PFS3 ate my HD!

Hello Chris

On 28-Apr-01, Chris Millar wrote:
> A word of warning if you have PFS3 yourself a
> favour......DELETE IT NOW!!

I've been using PFS3 for years, with no "major" dramas..

> I have just spent the most traumatic five days, trying to recover my HD,
> since I started computing way back in 1982!

Tell me about it.. happened quite often when I had FFS on all my drives...
thankfully there are programs like Disk Salv 2 around for FFS :)

> Ironically, I was working in DH7, my MakeCD partition, prepping my 13Gb HD
> for backup, when PFS3 informed me......DH7: Wrong Index Block
> ID........then promptly crashed.

I've actually had that happen once before, on PFS3. It seemed to be one of
my later partitions which would have the odd problem. I can't quite recall
how I sorted the problem though.

> Upon rebooting, PFS3 greeted me with the error.....Device DH7: Rootblock
> Extension Invalid, then DH6, DH5, DH4, DH3, DH2, DH1 & DH0 all threw up
> this error. WTF!!

hrm... only time I ever had a problem like this was when silly me was moving
my computer while it was still on, hard drive being read, and I accidently
dropped it... stuff up one of my hard drives. My A4000 Tower has the dent's
on it to prove it. Quite a talking point whereever I take the thing (Amiga
Shows and Usergroup meetings). I actually put that dud drive in a PC and
installed Linux on it and it seems to be working quite well for a year or
> Luckily, I have an OS3.9 backup on my old Quantum 1.2Gb HD, circa 1995,
> and I booted from that and ran PFS Doctor.

Funny that. I actually have a Quantum Fireball 1.2Gb scsi drive, which is my
backup drive. Quite reliable for a 5 or 6 year old drive :)

> This gave the error.....DHx: Device could not be inhibited.....on
> whichever partition I tried it on.
> So in summary, I have a 13Gb HD which I cannot access, even via the early
> boot menu, I can't format it, and I can't re-install via my backup
> CD's/Zip's/floppies, and I'm back to good ol' FFS.

hrm... that is bad. When ever I had this prob with FFS, I would use good ol'
3.1 Install Disk and was fortunate enough to fix problems from there.

> On the front of says,"....always valid".....always valid...MY
> ARSE!!

PFS 3 is quite reliable. It has given me less problems than FFS has. I for
one don't trust any filesystem on anything (had to reinstall my winblows
computer, because the C drive got some corrupt filesystem stuff. only the
3rd/4th time in the last year). I tend to do backups of my major hard drive
partitions every 6 months or so. But I am fortunate enough to have 6
computers at my disposal with no less than 60Gb total space to utilize.

> Slainte Mhath,
> Chris

Kresimir Rogic
11th Year Amigan | Amiga 4000/060/PPC/CVPPC/90Mb/20Gb/Ricoh CD-R |S
ICQ:- 12251503 | Amiga 1200T/060/34Mb/23Gb/PowerFlyer |A
_KrasH on | PIII 667/196Mb/35Gb/GeForce/DVD-ROM/Firewire |M
#Amigazone | K6 2 500/RH LINUX/128Mb/8Gb/RivaTNT |B
#RealOS +-iBook SE/G3 366/6Gb/Airport--------------------+A

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