AmigaActive (1819/1947)

From:Ray Tunstall
Date:28 Apr 2001 at 19:20:59
Subject:Re: PFS3 ate my HD!

Hello Chris,

On 28-Apr-01, you wrote:

>CM A word of warning if you have PFS3 yourself a
>CM favour......DELETE IT NOW!!
>CM I have just spent the most traumatic five days, trying to recover my
>CM HD, since I started computing way back in 1982!
>CM Ironically, I was working in DH7, my MakeCD partition, prepping my
>CM 13Gb HD for backup, when PFS3 informed me......DH7: Wrong Index Block
>CM ID........then promptly crashed.
>CM Upon rebooting, PFS3 greeted me with the error.....Device DH7:
>CM Rootblock Extension Invalid, then DH6, DH5, DH4, DH3, DH2, DH1 & DH0
>CM all threw up this error. WTF!!
>CM Luckily, I have an OS3.9 backup on my old Quantum 1.2Gb HD, circa
>CM 1995, and I booted from that and ran PFS Doctor.
>CM This gave the error.....DHx: Device could not be inhibited.....on
>CM whichever partition I tried it on.

I suffered the same fate over a month ago. I am now using FFS 45.9 on
Workbench partition and SFS on the other 10 or so partitions. It was
exactly the same as yours, fortunately I managed to resurrect the 20gb HD
but nothing off it. Most of my backups where on other partitions, (I
thought I couldn't possibly lose the whole HD) :-(
I was using PFS3 with the update (was it 18.5 or something like that)
I threw it in the bin.


Ray Tunstall

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