AmigaActive (1821/1947)

From:Anthony W. Prime
Date:28 Apr 2001 at 20:42:19
Subject:Re: Warm Beer (was Anzac Day)

Hello Andrew. On Sat, 28 Apr 2001 you wrote:

>Well it is only partly to blame :) I know quite a few English people here
>that like to drink beer warm. I always thought that the climate played a
>part in that, except that they still like it here in summer. <shrugs

Once you've got the taste, it's hard to give up, though I tend to change
brews during the year. Chilled Lager in the summer, "warm" bitter for the
rest of the year, unless it's really cold in which case it's Robinsons Old
Tom for me.

For more information, scratch drinkers like myself might do worse that surf to


Anthony W. Prime So the world may know...

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