AmigaActive (1915/1947)

Date:30 Apr 2001 at 16:49:56
Subject:How I love my SCSI life....

Okay, so here's my current SCSI setup:

Power Tower MK II 4000, Cyberstorm 060 MKIII, using the Cyberstorm's
built-in SCSI:

External Zip 100 connected directly to the Cyberstorm's external SCSI
port via 68-to-25-pin adaptor; termination off.

Yamaha CRW4416sxz connected to the Zip drive via 50-to-25-pin adaptor;
termination on.

This setup works fantastically well. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut...

I added a 500mb SCSI internal hard drive that used to be in my wife's
old work computer. I put the thing in, booted up, and ran HDInstTools
to attempt to partition the thing. The Amiga reset itself before I
could partition, and all of a sudden it wouldn't boot. When I try to
boot with the SCSI HD installed, my main IDE drive just clicks a few
times and then stops, although its motors whirr away nicely. I take out
the SCSI hard drive, problem gone.

Suggestions?? To be honest, I don't know whether the SCSI drive is
terminated -- don't have a jumper diagram...but I'm assuming it is, as
it was usually the only SCSI device on my wife's computer...

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