AmigaActive (598/1947)

From:Andy Hall
Date:9 Apr 2001 at 22:48:03
Subject:Re: So what are they doing?

Hello Richard

On 09-Apr-01, you wrote:

> Can anyone explain to me in simple words what Amiga are trying to do at
> the moment?
> I've read these postings and tried to figure it out for myself but the
> more I read, the more vague it gets! Here's how I see it so far:- 1. Amiga
> wont MAKE anything but they'll be pleased to charge you for making it for
> them! (No problem there, Microsoft get away with it!) 2. Amiga will
> develop software only! (Well, so far only H&P have done that!) 3. The new
> Amiga O/S will run under Elate! (So why not just buy Elate?) 4. O/S 4 will
> be a PPC version of the Amiga O/S we already use! (Isn't Morph O/S already
> going that way?)

There have been a lot of developments behind the scenes that have not really
been talked about like the ACM and SHEEP.
Yes MorphOS is already going that way, hence the childish flame wars and the
stupid trojans/porn on aminet.
Fleecy and Ralph are still talking to each other about the situation though.
> Given the choice, I'd form partnerships with Opus and Morph O/S and try to
> make an Opus based Amiga that would run on PPC systems using the A1200/
> A4000 m/boards for backwards compatability! (Or use emulation) Then work
> from there! Keep the faithful happy and hungry, give them more and you'll
> get more! In a shrinking market, it makes sense to keep what you've got
> (what kept you alive) before you pander to the whims of dubious outsiders!
> An Amiga licensed and supported BoXeR, running O/S 3.9.1 (Opus 6) or Morph
> O/S (with a PPC plug in board) would seem the obvious 'next step' to me!
> Am I stupid?

Lets face it BoXeR is too late. 68K processors are old news (very old news).
Everyone wants PPC now. Now something seems to be happening in this area,
with Amiga, Eyetech, MorphOS, and Bplan working away on various solutions.
Boxer is now a joke. There is an interesting point there about Opus.
Something really does need to be done about workbench. Opus or Scalos are
very good existing alternatives, maybe we may see development in this area
in either OS4 or MorphOS.

> I aint trying to start a flame war here so don't jam the board with
> expletives regarding my ignorance! All I want is a clear direction! Don't
> we all?

A lot of the information is out there, you just have to search for it.
Fleecy is desperately trying to let people know on the A1 list. It is
another case where the Amiga Inc. PR machine has failed


Andy "Butterfly with a bomb!" Hall

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