AmigaActive (908/1947)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:17 Apr 2001 at 23:32:32
Subject:Re: Voyager Image Decoders

Hello Alan

On 17-Apr-01, you wrote:

>> Then you underestimate the work involved in using datatypes to decode
>> images. Apart from the fact that V would lose all speed gained from the
>> internal decoders, you'd lose progressive decoding, the cleaner dithering,
>> increase memory consumption..
> these are all the valid reasons for why they went the proprietary route
> also means they have to worry about even more bugs..and release
> bug-fixed imag decoding engines as well as the browser ;-)

The main reasons for the "proprietary" route are speed (of the decoders,
and development) and control (of the code, of the bugs, of when things
get fixed). I doubt any software developer trying to develop something
as complex as a web browser wants 99.9% of his bugs to be reliant on
someone ELSE fixing their software.

>> are you worried about? :)
> and for those who want to stick with AmigaOS - under which they registered
> their version of Voyager? I , personally, cannot stand any of the Vapors
> team hatred of WarpUP

I doubt any software developer trying to develop something as complex as a
web browser wants 99.9% of his bugs to be reliant on someone ELSE fixing
their software.

(note that before StormC 4 it was not viable to compile WarpOS applications
in gcc like you could PowerUP ones or now can compile MorphOS ones. Buying
everyone on the Vapor team who needs to compile V [that's 5 people I can
count off the top of my head] a copy of StormC 4.0 is NOT an option)

> i also cannot forsee many people bein so pro-MorphOS when the time
> comes around for paying for it.

Isn't that *your* tough tits, that you'll not have a decent browser to use on
your brand spanky little AmigaOne box? :)


Matt Sealey <>

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