Blitz (1/64)

From:David McMinn
Date:2 Apr 2001 at 09:39:09
Subject:Re: OS GetAShape?

Hi John

> Is there a simple OS function for getting the number of ticks since
> system startup? I want to be able to timing and 50ths of a second would
> be fine, but the ticks function in Blitz always returns 0 for some reason.
> ISTR there is a field in a structure somewhere with that value, but I
> can't remember where it is.

What's this got to do with GetAShape then? ;)

You could try the E clock, but I'm not sure if that is the time since system
startup or not. Could be though.


DEFTYPE.sixtyfour e_val
freqeuncy_of_e_clock.l = ReadEClock_(&e_val)
; Number of E clock (based on master frequency of computer, different for
; PAL (709379Hz) and NTSC (715909Hz).

You can therefore get the time in fractions of a second between two ReadEClock_
calls by subtracting the first from the second and then dividing by the

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