Blitz (13/64)

From:David McMinn
Date:6 Apr 2001 at 18:41:20
Subject:Re: Screenshots

Hi Deftone

> can anyone here me explain how to make screenshots via blitz?
> I want to know how i can save screens into a picfile.

Do you mean:

a) You need a screenshot of something running in Blitz mode
b) You need a screenshot of an application written in blitz basic
c) You want to write a blitz basic program which is a screengrabber

For a you need an action replay type thing, or perhaps some low level copper
ripper? I suppose you could also get as much of the screen as you can and then
paste the bits together in a paint program (bits - I mean if you have dual
playfield, or copper displays).

For b, download SGrab from Aminet, it kicks ass :)

For c, I guess you could copy the screen bitmap into a blitz bitmap and then
save the IFF file. You might get problems if you just do ScreensBitMap, as if
it is interleaved, blitz gives you a bitmap which is 4* as wide (or somthing),
so you will actually need to use BltBitMap_ or something. Then just save the
bitmap as normal. I don't know how you'd manage to grab a copper display type
of screen though.

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Because it has a light and a dark side and binds the universe together

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