Blitz (54/64)

From:Terje Maurset
Date:27 Apr 2001 at 21:50:41
Subject:Re: BlitzII Programming Restart

On 28-Apr-01, you wrote:

>> I wanted to make a little program that was able to:
>> ? tell me wich files and dirs that exists in a destination
>> This is a big problem. I can't seem to find
>> any commands in the manual able to do this.
> The attached example uses the OS to do this...

Yes James! This I like, working through the OS.
Makes me wondering. Where have you ppl learned how to program
through the OS? The BlitzII manual only got a list of the names.
Do you know where I can get some more educational info?

>> ? open a file, to read and write from it at random locations.
>> I found the PUT and GET commands in the Manual, even in
>> an example. But still I could NOT figure out the logic
>> how these commands work.
> Use OpenFile and FileSeek...
> See ya,
> --
> James L Boyd.
> Connected from Fife, Scotland.
> --
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Thanks for the quick responce,


| |
| Real Name : Terje Maurset ( March 1978 ) |
| Location : Earth, Europe, Norway, Jessheim |
| |
| Computer : Amiga 1200 - 68040/603p+ 30/200Mhz |
| Hobby : Gfx, Programming, Preserving Fineart on the WEB. |
| To Learn : Massage, NonVerbal-Communication, Speed reading |
| MetaLanguage, Hand Drawing, Health. |
| |
| `

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