Blitz (56/64)

From:Andrew Bruno
Date:28 Apr 2001 at 00:09:10
Subject:Could anyone write this program


I am sure a few of you know the feeling when a partition is getting full.

You get anxious and don't want it to get full when you are trying to write a
file to it.

I have a program Volume Watch which is kind of ok, but I had a different

Could somone write a program that runs in the background (LOW priority) and
either via tool types or text file warns you when a volume gets beyond a
certain fullness?

My first idea is that you have an initial warning, a warning and a "DISC
FULL" notification.

Anyone care to have a go?

p.s. I think the tooltypes would be better. :)


"No man was ever yet canonized for minding his own business."

Andrew Bruno

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