Blitz (57/64)

From:David McMinn
Date:28 Apr 2001 at 00:17:33
Subject:Re: Could anyone write this program

Andrew Bruno says the moon is made of cheese, but it's actually made of Could anyone write this program

> My first idea is that you have an initial warning, a warning and a "DISC
> FULL" notification.

So you could specify a % full for the initial warning, the % for the
warning. The OS would tell you when the disk is full (when writing to it
fails ;).


[) /\ \/ ][ [) |\/| © |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ = 16827694
This machine is a piece of GAGH! I need dual Pentium processors if I am
to do battle with this code! - Klingon C++

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