DOpus (106/158)

From:Dave Clarke
Date:21 Apr 2001 at 10:15:50
Subject:[D5] New ArcHandlerEx

After battling the mysterious Amiga bug, Richard has succeeded in posting
ArcHandlerEx 1.5 to the WWW site :)


1.5 20010417 Implemented CopyAs and MoveAs, they work on FILES and DIRS.
Seems to work OK but try something non-essential before you
trust your lifes work to it :)

Entering an empty string for a new name will be taken as

It checks to see if a destination of the same name exists and
gives you the option to Replace/Replace All/Rename/Skip/
Skip All/Cancel.



_--_|\ Dave Clarke | Four Wheel Drive: - Helps you get stuck |
/ \ | faster, harder, further from help.|
\_.--.*/ <-Melbourne | Powered by: A3000 '060/50+604/180 138MB |
v | P-IV/Concierto/Pablo/Paloma |

Psalms 18:2 |...God, my strength, in whom I will trust;

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